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Furious 7 Blu-Ray Clip Takes You Behind-The-Scenes Of Jaw-Dropping Cliff Sequence

With its Blu-Ray release date exactly a week away, Universal has drummed up excitement for Furious 7's arrival on home video by releasing a behind-the-scenes clip that dissect the sequel's jaw-dropping cliff sequence.

With its Blu-Ray release date exactly a week away, Universal has drummed up excitement for Furious 7‘s arrival on home video by releasing a behind-the-scenes clip that dissect the sequel’s jaw-dropping cliff sequence.

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Despite what Vin Diesel’s Dominic Toretto would have you believe, the Fast franchise isn’t all about family, with enough show-stopping spectacle to give some of Michael Bay’s finest work a run for its money. Here, the James Wan-directed racing thriller ups the ante with a high-speed chase involving a prison bus, military jeeps and several custom race cars.

In keeping with the franchise’s over-the-top action stuns, it isn’t long before the pursuit runs out of road, sending the armed bus careering off the side of a cliff with Brian O’Conner (played by the late Paul Walker) still on board. At the last minute, he manages to scale along the exterior of the crashed vehicle and leap to safety by the skin of his teeth.

As the clip reveals, a lot of thought and coordination went into perfecting the scene itself, with a stunt double replacing Walker for the true money shot. Using the relative safety of wires, the expert even managed to nail the sequence in one take. Quite impressive, if we do say ourselves.

Furious 7 will race onto Blu-Ray and DVD on September 15.

The entire “Fast & Furious” cast unites in purpose for an epic international adventure, hunted by a vengeful assassin from Abu Dhabi to London to Tokyo and the Dominican Republic as they try to retrieve a highly advanced piece of espionage technology, and rescue the gifted hacker who created it. Furious 7 also bids a touching farewell to Paul Walker, an integral member of the “Fast” family.