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Guillermo Del Toro Keeps Hopes Of Pacific Rim: Maelstrom Alive, Script Nearing Completion

All looked lost for Guillermo del Toro's Pacific Rim: Maelstrom when Universal Pictures placed the monster mash on hold indefinitely, though the director has kept hopes alive by revealing that he is still working on the sequel's screenplay, and expects to turn in an initial draft along with a proposed budget, in three weeks' time.


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All looked lost for Guillermo del Toro’s Pacific Rim: Maelstrom when Universal Pictures placed the monster mash on hold indefinitely, though the director has kept hopes alive by revealing that he is still working on the sequel’s screenplay, and expects to turn in an initial draft, along with a proposed budget, in three weeks’ time.

Despite issuing the greenlight on development, doubt was cast over the chances of the follow-up seeing the light of day, with reports indicating that internal tension between Universal and Legendary Pictures president Thomas Tull threatened to sink Maelstrom before filming could begin in the early stages of 2016. And though the latest report coming out of pre-production doesn’t exactly inspire confidence, del Toro remains hopeful that the Kaiju-sized pieces will begin falling into place sooner rather than later.


News comes via Entertainment Weekly, where the decorated Mexican director reaffirmed that Pacific Rim: Maelstrom has only been delayed, rather than being cancelled altogether.

“We are still turning in a screenplay and a budget in three weeks. As far as I’m concerned, it’s not gone. We’re still on it.”

For Universal, Legendary and distributors Warner Bros., it’s really a question of finances. The original Pacific Rim may have carved out a loyal following, though the mere fact that it brought in $411 million worldwide wasn’t enough to have all involved clamouring for del Toro to continue on with a sequel.

At the very least, today’s brief update is enough to dispel rumors that, at least for now, a Pacific Rim 2 hasn’t been axed altogether. Production may not begin in November as planned, and that August 2017 release date is bordering on wishful thinking at this point. Del Toro and the studios will need to get their ducks in a row soon, though, lest this become another scenario similar to Hellboy 3.

Looks like there might still be some life left in those towering bipedal tanks, though Pacific Rim: Maelstrom is anything but a sure thing. We’ll keep you posted on its development as del Toro and Co. near that aforementioned deadline.