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Zachary Levi Comments On A Possible Return As Fandral In Thor: Ragnarok

What kind of part The Warriors Three will play in Thor: Ragnarok remains to be seen, according to Zachary Levi, but he may take over another Marvel role.


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Zachary Levi was supposed to play Fandral in the first Thor movie, but his commitments to Chuck meant that Marvel had to instead cast Josh Dallas. Funnily enough though, when Dallas was too busy to return for the sequel, Levi got a call from Kevin Feige to take over the role he was supposed to have back in 2011.

What kind of part The Warriors Three will play in Thor: Ragnarok still remains to be seen, and Levi is currently in the dark about his Marvel Cinematic Universe future:

“I have no idea. They have not told me anything. I hope so. I think that’d be pretty fun to get the gang back together, the Warriors Three. But there’s a reason why the movie’s called Thor and not The Warriors Three. They’ve got to do what’s right for Thor. I think they’re shooting for next summer so it really just depends on when in the summer.

I know when they’re going to shoot, only because, like everyone knows, when the film’s actual releasing because Marvel’s already slotted all that out which I think is again the following November which is what the last Thor was. So they’ve got to shoot it next Summer. I don’t know. It’d be a lot of fun but there’s also a lot of other Marvel roles that I’d love to play one day. If I never get to play Fandral again, I got to do it once and it was a great group to work with.”

Chances are that Fandral will return alongside the rest of the supporting cast and that Levi is going to get a call about Thor: Ragnarok soon enough, but in a very interesting reveal, the actor went on to mention that Kevin Feige would be open to the actor playing another character in the MCU despite the fact that he’s already starred in Thor: The Dark World.


Could he be about to play another hero or villain?

“Oh no. I had a very interesting talk with Kevin Feige early on about it all and he said, “Look, it doesn’t preclude you from playing another Marvel character.” Chris Evans was The Human Torch and Captain America. Ray Stevenson was The Punisher and Volstagg. I did point out to him, ‘In fairness, neither Fantastic Four nor The Punisher was actually a Marvel movie. You were a part of it but they were produced by other studios.’ But he said, ‘Look, I totally understand that but don’t worry about it.’ I don’t know, if there’s a right role that comes along and they want me to play it, I’d love to.”

That would be very interesting to see, but Feige’s comments in the past (in relation to fans wanting Idris Elba to move from Heimdall to Luke Cage) have pointed to this not being something the Marvel Studios President would be willing to do. Regardless, we’ll no doubt see more of the Heroes: Reborn star in Thor: Ragnarok in 2017.