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Resistance 3 Road To Redemption E3 Trailer

Amongst the first trailers to emerge from this year’s E3 convention was this new video for Insomniac’s third Resistance game. The whole clip is suitably action packed and notably darker and more dramatic than usual. Sony has a lot to live up to this E3, check out the trailer below.

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Amongst the first trailers to emerge from this year’s E3 convention was this new video for Resistance 3, the upcoming game from Insomniac. The whole clip is suitably action packed and notably darker and more dramatic than usual.

Sony has a lot to prove at this year’s E3, especially after the whole PSN incident. Hopefully Resistance 3 will have a solid showing. By the looks of the trailer, it’s still looking as impressive as ever and will surely have many people buzzing during the next few days.

Check out the trailer below. Resistance 3 is due out this September exclusively on the PS3 and is set to wrap up the Chimera trilogy.