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Sony Moving Forward On Salt Sequel

I'm still not exactly sure why this is happening but the sequel to Salt, the spy thriller starring Angelina Jolie, is getting underway. Deadline reports that Sony is moving ahead with it and Kurt Wimmer (writer of the original) has begun writing the sequel. Jolie is set to reprise her role as Evelyn Salt but the director's chair is apparently still open. Director Phillip Noyce will not be returning for this outing. Like I said above, I really don't know why this is happening. The first movie was awful. Just a complete hodgepodge of poor writing, unrealistic action and trite dialogue

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I’m still not exactly sure why this is happening but the sequel to Salt, the spy thriller starring Angelina Jolie, is getting underway. Deadline reports that Sony is moving ahead with it and Kurt Wimmer (writer of the original) has begun writing the sequel. Angelina Jolie is set to reprise her role as Evelyn Salt but the director’s chair is apparently still open. Director Phillip Noyce will not be returning for this outing.

Like I said above, I really don’t know why this is happening. The first movie was awful. Just a complete hodgepodge of poor writing, unrealistic action and trite dialogue. If you can’t tell already, I hated it. It made enough money to warrant a sequel but I for one will not be paying to see what I already know will be garbage.

What about you? Would you pay for a Salt sequel?