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Steve Angello Named Executive Producer Of EDM Television Show

The dismal failure of last summer's We Are You Friends does not appear to have deterred everyone from attempting on-camera adaptations of electronic music culture. Primary Wave Entertainment has announced a new television project in development centered around DJ culture and the world of electronic music, announcing none other than Steve Angello as executive producer.


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The dismal failure of last summer’s We Are You Friends does not appear to have deterred everyone from attempting on-camera adaptations of electronic music culture. Primary Wave Entertainment has announced a new television project in development centered around DJ culture and the world of electronic music, announcing none other than Steve Angello as executive producer.

As one third of now-defunct EDM supergroup Swedish House Mafia, Angello’s electronic music credentials speak for themselves. In addition, the services of his wife and studio partner Isabel Adrian have also been enlisted – as well as music video director Gregory Alosio, Cult Collective’s Pia Lindstrom, Martin Management’s Sharlene Martin-Ludwig and Primary Wave Entertainment senior manager Ben Press.

Considering that little recent news has surfaced in regards to HBO’s EDM-oriented series, Higher – on which Jay Z, Will Smith and Calvin Harris are credited – perhaps Angello and company will be able to capitalize on their own window of opportunity and capitalize on dance music’s undeniable crossover value.

Steve Angello and Primary Wave Entertainment have made scarcely any information about their upcoming television project available as of yet, but make sure to check back with us for further updates on the project.