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Has Mads Mikkelsen’s Role In Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Been Revealed?

With Star Wars: The Force Awakens now out and breaking seemingly every possible record at the box office, including becoming the highest grossing North American film of all-time just earlier today, all eyes are now set firmly on Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, Gareth Edwards' upcoming spinoff which is due out this December.


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With Star Wars: The Force Awakens now out in theatres and breaking seemingly every possible record at the box office, including becoming the highest grossing North American film of all-time just earlier today, all eyes are now set firmly on Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, Gareth Edwards’ upcoming spinoff which is due out this December.

Much of the plot is still under wraps, but Making Star Wars has uncovered some new details today which may just give us an idea of the part that Hannibal actor Mads Mikkelsen will be playing. According to their sources, he has a key role in the film as he’ll be stepping into the shoes of the scientist that “took over the Geonosian Death Star Project:

Mads Mikkelsen (Galen appears to be his name in the film) is kind of the key to the film in a way. He is a scientist that took over the Geonosian Death Star project. He solved several of the flaws the Empire could not and is sort of a revered person in the Empire for his contributions. However, Mikkelsen’s character is a Robert Oppenheimer-type character. Oppenheimer helped design the atomic bomb only to say, “Now, I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.” The guilt “Galen” feels for his contributions to the Empire become too much and he defects, attempting to make things right. In order to do this, he enlists the help of his only daughter….

If true, this could prove to be quite interesting. The moral issues that Mikkelsen’s character faces, and the guilt that he feels, would definitely lend the film a great sense of depth and would make for a very compelling character that audiences could easily invest themselves in.

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story touches down in theatres on December 16th. Tell us, what are you expecting from the spinoff? Sound off below and let us know.