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Pokken Tournament Release Date Pegged For March 18 Worldwide

Anyway, along with the release date announcement, source for all Pokemon news Serebii.net have obtained some new information on the different tournament modes you'll be able to indulge in when it releases in two month's time.


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Pokken Tournament‘s Wii U release date has finally been officially nailed down as March 18 for both Europe and North America, which means both territories will get it on the exact same day as Japan – a surprise for many, to be sure.

Along with the release date announcement, source for all Pokemon news Serebii.net have obtained some new information on the different tournament modes you’ll be able to indulge in when it releases in two month’s time.

  • Single Battle – A typical single player mode with three difficulty settings.

  • Local Battle – Two players against each other, one on the GamePad – this will run at 30fps instead of the game’s norm of 60fps.

  • Online Friendly Matches – Play against anyone, those on your Friends List or by using a ‘Battle Code’; these are unranked fights.

  • Online Ranked Matches – Earn ranking points in online matches

  • LAN Support – Link two Wii U’s for a 60fps local match.

Additionally, if you decide to get on board and buy Pokken Tournament on day one, you’ll receive a Shadow Mewtwo Amiibo card, which will unlock said character in-game.

Just last week, leaked images from Japanese magazine CoroCoro revealed that Braixen, Garchomp and the standard version of Mewtwo will all be playable characters in the Pocket Monster beat ’em up. Furthermore, Pachirisu, Magikarp, Sylveon and Croagunk will all feature as support fighters.

Pokken Tournament is shaping up to be a sleeper hit for the Wii U. There’s a lot of buzz around the game and it could very well prove to boost Wii U sales. We’ll just have to wait and see what its final impact will be though.