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Time-Bending Shooter Superhot Hits PC February 25, Xbox One Next Month

Piotr Kosmala's Kickstarter darling Superhot is now finally on the verge of release, with the creator behind the quirky, time-bending shooter confirming plans to launch the stylish indie on PC first come February 25, with an Xbox One release to follow.

Piotr Kosmala’s Kickstarter darling Superhot is now finally on the verge of release, with the creator behind the quirky, time-bending shooter confirming plans to launch the stylish indie on PC first come February 25, with an Xbox One release to follow.

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First hatched during a 7-day game jam, the polygonal genre mash-up then went on to raise over $250,000 via Kickstarter, and the result is an all-new experience that promises “unbridled mayhem” and rat-a-tat action.

Blurring the lines between cautious strategy and unbridled mayhem, SUPERHOT is the FPS in which time moves only when you move. No regenerating health bars. No conveniently placed ammo drops. It’s just you, outnumbered and outgunned, grabbing the weapons of fallen enemies to shoot, slice, and maneuver through a hurricane of slow-motion bullets.

Given that in Superhot time only moves when you physically move, you’ll be spending long stretches in slow motion in what is shaping up to be an intriguing mix of action and strategy.

Superhot will make its bow across PC, Mac and Linux on February 25, before making a beeline to Xbox One the following month.