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Post-Apocalyptic Management Game Sheltered Headed To PlayStation 4

Team17 and developer Unicube are partnering to bring post-apocalyptic survival game Sheltered to PlayStation 4.

Team17 and developer Unicube are partnering to bring post-apocalyptic survival game Sheltered to PlayStation 4.

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Already available across Xbox One and PC via the respective early access programs on each platform, Unicube’s disaster management title proved a Kicktstarter success in June of 2014, capping off a campaign with a grand total of £30,000 – more than double the initial target. Those stretch goals have afforded a console release, and the developer took to PlayStation Blog to outline the core themes underpinning Sheltered.

Bearing some similarities to This War of Wine, Unicube’s title has you control a family made up of two adults, two children and a pet, and you’re placed in control of resource management and, ultimately, ensuring that everyone has a smile on their face despite the apocalyptic setting.

The game has its hardships, and facing them as a family unit brings real emotional bonds and attachment, making every day decisions carry weight and difficulty. How will you cope when a child needs food, but doesn’t have any? Your dog, a loyal and trusty addition to the family is hungry — does he go without for the sake of the rest of the family? Does he… become the main food source himself?

Everyday survival is the main goal in Sheltered, but venturing out is just as important as battening down the hatches. In the wasteland you can find like-minded survivors, or people who are just thirsty for havoc. People can break into your shelter, and you’ll really have to bring out your strategic A-Game, setting traps and creating panic rooms for your family members. At every corner in Sheltered there’s an opportunity to improve your situation, or bring it crashing down like a house of cards!

Set to be priced in the $14.99 ballpark, expect Sheltered to launch for PlayStation 4 “in the coming months.”