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Discover The Legend Of The Mammoth In Far Cry Primal’s Newest Trailer

Ubisoft's UK YouTube account got a new trailer today, showing off the prehistoric DLC you'll be able to enjoy when you pre-order Far Cry Primal from select retailers. However, before you head to your preferred retailer and confirm your pre-order in anticipation of playing as a mammoth, it'll only be available to those that purchase the game from UK retailer GAME, according to a statement provided to VideoGamer.com.

Ubisoft’s UK YouTube account got a new trailer today, showing off the prehistoric DLC you’ll be able to enjoy when you pre-order Far Cry Primal from select retailers. However, before you head to your preferred retailer and confirm your pre-order in anticipation of playing as a mammoth, it’ll only be available to those that purchase the game from UK retailer GAME, according to a statement provided to VideoGamer.com.

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It appears that if you’re in North America, pre-ordering from the game’s official website will get you the same bonus content. Honestly, bonus pre-order content usually isn’t that great – most titles tend to include some exclusive items or brief additional mission as an added incentive to entice early adopters, but Far Cry Primal‘s offering seems to be pretty meaty.

Included in the Legend Of The Mammoth DLC are three exclusive missions that enable players to see the world through the eyes of the hairy elephant.

  • Duel of Beasts – Prove that you are the mightiest creature in Oros as you battle a powerful rhino spirit and his herd.
  • The Trapped Elder – Hunters have captured your leader and you must break into their camp and free him, smashing everything that gets in your way.
  • Hunt the Hunter – Lead your herd into battle and crush those who threaten you.

You’ve got to hand it to Ubisoft, the trailer (above) has certainly nailed the authenticity part – stampeding through groups of humans with tusks and giant looks, admittedly, quite fun.

Far Cry Primal launches February 23 for Xbox One and PlayStation 4, with a PC release to follow a week later on March 1. Be sure to check back next week to see our full review of the prehistoric sequel to Far Cry 4.