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Ennio Morricone Will Work On Quentin Tarantino’s Next Film

In what can only be described as a great bit of news for cinephiles, famed composer Ennio Morricone, who contributed a phenomenal (and Oscar-nominated) score to Quentin Tarantino's The Hateful Eight, is already planning to reteam with the director on his next feature.


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In what can only be described as a great bit of news for cinephiles, famed composer Ennio Morricone, who contributed a phenomenal (and Oscar-nominated) score to Quentin Tarantino‘s The Hateful Eight, is already planning to reteam with the director on his next feature.

Talking to Deadline, Morricone said that he and Tarantino have already agreed they’ll be working together on his next project.

“Tarantino has already told me that there will be a next movie that we are going to make together,” Morricone said. “I told him that in the future I would like to have much more time. I would like to start working with him even long before in order to have the time to work, to think about the music, and also to exchange more ideas with him about what I am going to score for him. I never ask any director to work with me, but it was Tarantino who told me, ‘OK, there will be a next time.’ ”

Intriguingly, things weren’t always so copacetic between Morricone and Tarantino. The composer famously slammed Tarantino during an address at Rome’s LUISS University back in 2013, saying that the director “places music in his films without coherence” and verbally throwing his hands up in the air by saying, “You can’t do anything with someone like that.”

This rebuke came on the heels of Morricone’s work appearing in Django Unchained, with that film’s soundtrack pilfering from the composer’s past film work as well as featuring one new piece. Morricone apparently wasn’t a fan of Tarantino’s hustle or his willingness to push ahead despite the composer needing more time to put together new material.

“I wouldn’t like to work with him again, on anything,” Morricone had said. “He said last year he wanted to work with me again ever since Inglourious Basterds, but I told him I couldn’t, because he didn’t give me enough time. So he just used a song I had written previously.”

Luckily, it appears some sort of mea culpa has been issued in private, and Morricone is back in Tarantino’s camp – provided, as he says, that he’s given sufficient time to put together new material. It’s still unclear what the director’s next feature film will be, but as long as Tarantino keeps the composer posted on his creative process, there’s every indication that audiences have another gorgeously composed score to look forward to.