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Darren Aronofsky Wants Christian Bale To Be Noah

Collider is reporting that Darren Aronofsky has his eyes on Christian Bale to play the leading role in his upcoming biblical epic, Noah. This could be the push that Aronofsky needs to get his film off the ground, considering the budget is in the $130 million dollar range. That isn't cheap for a filmmaker who tends to make smaller films. His latest film, Black Swan, only cost a mere $13 million to make and it ended up grossing over $320 million worldwide.

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Collider is reporting that Darren Aronofsky has his eyes on Christian Bale to play the leading role in his upcoming biblical epic, Noah. This could be the push that Aronofsky needs to get his film off the ground, considering the budget is in the $130 million dollar range. That isn’t cheap for a filmmaker who tends to make smaller films. His latest film, Black Swan, only cost a mere $13 million to make and it ended up grossing over $320 million worldwide.

The only problem I see Aronofsky facing in locking down Bale for the project is the time frame in which he wants to start/finish shooting the film. Bale is currently working on The Dark Knight Rises and he has The Last Photograph scheduled to start filming right after. Will he make time for Aronofksy’s next film?

I certainly hope so, as Bale and Aronofsky are two great talents working in the industry today. It would be great to see them team up for a film, especially since Bale is still riding pretty hot after his Oscar win.

As for the story of Noah, Aronofsky hasn’t revealed much yet, but he has said that Noah is a dark and complicated character. He also said this:

“I think it’s really timely because it’s about environmental apocalypse which is the biggest theme, for me, right now for what’s going on on this planet. So I think it’s got these big, big themes that connect with us. Noah was the first environmentalist. He’s a really interesting character. Hopefully they’ll let me make it.”

No studio has picked up the project yet, which means a release date hasn’t been announced, but keep checking back for more information on the project as we’ll be sure to keep you updated.