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Dying Light: The Following’s Community Bounty Surpassed By Players Worldwide

Last weekend Techland launched their first community bounty into Dying Light: The Following with their two day 'Buggy Frenzy' event. Today the developers have revealed just how successful the game's players were in hitting the ambitious target that the bounty had them working toward.

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Last weekend, Techland launched their first community bounty into Dying Light: The Following with their two day ‘Buggy Frenzy’ event. Today, the developers have revealed just how successful the game’s players were in hitting the ambitious target that the bounty had them working toward.

Aiming for a goal of 5 million smashed zombies, players in Dying Light: The Following actually ended up managing to massacre more than three times that. More than 18 million undead shufflers were rundown over the 19th and 20th of March. Pretty good, eh?

As well as revealing that the target was surpassed, Techland also produced a handy infographic to demonstrate which Dying Light players contributed what to the bounty. You can see their breakdown of the event below, but it’s worth noting that the most prolific player across all platforms managed to account for over 20 thousand smashed zombies. If anyone’s looking for reliable friend to survive a zombie apocalypse with, then look no further!

As a reward for their players being so enthusiastic, Techland also gave away a second rare buggy skin for all event participants to enjoy. Overall, Buggy Frenzy seems to have been a huge success, so keep an eye out for similar events coming to Dying Light: The Following in the future.

Dying Light stats