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Latest Alienation Trailer Showcases The Shooter’s Primary Classes

Finnish developer Housemarque - best known for such addicting twin-stick shooters as Dead Nation, Super Stardust and Resogun - returns to the fray later this month with Alienation, and today brings forth a riotous new trailer that sheds light on the game's primary classes.

Finnish developer Housemarque – best known for such addicting twin-stick shooters as Dead Nation, Super Stardust and Resogun – returns to the fray later this month with Alienation, and today brings forth a riotous new trailer that sheds light on the game’s primary classes.

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Fending off the seemingly unstoppable alien menace, Alienation sees the remnants of humanity pull together to form the UNX world government. When enlisting to fight the war, players will be able to choose from three distinct classes, each boasting “a unique primary weapon, three unique upgradable active abilities and three upgradable passive abilities.”

Upon launch, early adopters can progress right up to level 30 through campaign missions, bounties and/or via the shooter’s procedurally-generated areas. Expect more details on the latter to be released soon.

As for the three classes, Housemarque listed the following character bios via PlayStation Blog.

Every game this brutal needs at least one class that heals other players: that’s the Bio-Specialist. That said, she’s also very competent at creating areas of damage using a poisonous trail, or take control of powerful nanomachines to swarm enemies and chip away their HPs.

The Tank is all about protection and splash damage: if you’re under heavy fire you want one next to you sharing his shield, or if you’re overrun by too many enemies he can blow everything away and give you room to maneuver. Plus, he’s the only character able to command a devastating death ray piercing everything in a straight line.

If you like swift characters you’re gonna love the Saboteur. He becomes invisible, and uses his plasma sword to clear the area in front of him with ease. When some help is needed, he can also call in deadly airstrikes to open paths through a sea of Xenos.

Alienation is primed to blast its way onto PlayStation 4 come April 26. Will you be joining humanity’s last-ditch attempt to overthrow the extra-terrestrial swarm?