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Roland Emmerich Hatches Plans For Battle Of Midway Movie

Independence Day: Resurgence director Roland Emmerich has set a Battle of Midway movie as his next project.


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Independence Day: Resurgence director and all-round maestro of cinematic destruction Roland Emmerich has teed up plans for his next movie and, spoilers, it doesn’t involve vengeful aliens.

Addressing the crowd at a special Fox screening of Independence Day, designed to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the original blockbuster, Emmerich announced plans to create a war film based on the Battle of Midway. Set during the throes of World War II and, in particular, soon after Japan’s stealth attack on Pearl Harbor, it’ll follow an American plan to coordinate a deadly attack on a Japanese fleet.

It was a gruelling maritime battle that stretched for four days, but ultimately resulted in an emphatic victory for the Allies, who were able to intercept Japanese radio transmissions to pinpoint the exact location of the doomed fleet.

First reported by Coming Soon, here’s what Emmerich had to share about the heroic story set to underpin his wartime drama.

“At the time, the Americans were the underdog. It was one of those moments where, against all odds, people came together and did the impossible. A lot of pilots died in this battle. I want to make a monument to them and it would be great to make a movie about it.”

Four decades ago, the Battle of Midway was translated to the screen under the astute eye of Jack Smight, directing a starry cast that included Charlton Heston, Henry Fonda, James Coburn. No word yet on who Emmerich will recruit for his own marine battle, though we’ll keep you updated as this story develops.

As for Independence Day: Resurgence, the sequel two decades in the making, it will loom over theaters on June 24.