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Rey Joins The Fight In Latest LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens Vignette

In an effort to make sure that everybody knows about LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens and its very near release date, TT Games has released yet another character vignette for the crossover game. This one is different, though, as it doesn't focus on one of the leading men like all of the others before it. No, this time around we're given a look at some of Rey's more memorable scenes, which have been given a coat of coloured paint and an infusion of humour.

In an effort to make sure that everybody knows about LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens and its very near release date, TT Games has released yet another character vignette for the crossover game. This one is different, though, as it doesn’t focus on one of the leading men like all of the others before it. No, this time around we’re given a look at some of Rey’s more memorable scenes, which have been given a coat of coloured paint and an infusion of humour.

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If you haven’t been following the game too closely, then you may not know that LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens will include original content that did not appear in the film. In fact, it will branch the narrative between The Force Awakens and Episode VI. As such, there will be original dialogue to listen to, some of which is featured in this particular trailer.

LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens will be released this coming Tuesday, June the 28th, so you can expect our review in the near future. For now, though, make sure to check out the above trailer, as well as the bonus one (for the game’s PlayStation exclusive Droids Character Pack) that we’ve included below.