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Bad Moms Gets Better With Second Trailer

There is no single formula for good comedy, but it is certainly the case that sometimes, it can be created by mixing truth with a dash of mild exaggeration. Success lies in the balance between these two elements, and it is this balance that the writer-directors of Bad Moms – Jon Lucas and Scott Moore (who wrote The Hangover) – seem to be aiming for. This is a lot clearer from the new, second trailer for the film, which greatly improves on the first.

There is no single formula for good comedy, but it is certainly the case that sometimes, it can be created by mixing truth with a dash of mild exaggeration. Success lies in the balance between these two elements, and it is this balance that the writer-directors of Bad Moms – Jon Lucas and Scott Moore (who wrote The Hangover) – seem to be aiming for. This is a lot clearer from the new, second trailer for the film, which greatly improves on the first.

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Taking the simple, age-old premise of ‘underdog stands up to bully,’ Bad Moms places the action within the confines of a PTA power struggle at a local school. As a group of three worn out, over-worked and highly stressed mothers seek to bite back against the overbearing, perfect, power-hungry mother that runs the parent organization, the rebellion they lead soon threatens to change the complexion of the school yard forever.

This second trailer gives a more detailed look at the conflict between the two maternal factions, and suggests the tone of the film will be similar to the Neighbors movies – which is certainly no bad thing. While I am naturally inclined to be disapproving of stories that feature women in stereotypical roles and situations (particularly those that are written and directed by men) – it has to be said that this preview footage indicates that Bad Moms may well be succeeding with the truth-and-mild-exaggeration balance.

There is a lot of truth in the social pressures on parents within the school environment, and there is a great deal of comedy to be found in that by simply over-emphasizing a lot of the ridiculous politics and characters it often involves. When this type of tale is then performed by actresses as skilled as Mila Kunis, Kristen Bell, Kathryn Hahn, Christina Applegate, Jada Pinkett Smith and Annie Mumolo – the potential for great laughs is significantly increased.

Bad Moms is unleashed on July 29th, 2016.