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Christopher Meloni Joins Man Of Steel

Actor Christopher Meloni, most well known for his work on Law and Order: SVU, has joined the cast of Man Of Steel, the upcoming Superman reboot from Zack Synder. This is the third bit of casting news we've heard in the past little while, with Julia Ormond joining yesterday and Russell Crowe hopping on board last week.

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Actor Christopher Meloni, most well known for his work on Law and Order: SVU, has joined the cast of Man Of Steel, the upcoming Superman reboot from Zack Synder. This is the third bit of casting news we’ve heard in the past little while, with Julia Ormond joining yesterday and Russell Crowe hopping on board last week.

Vulture reports that Meloni will play a General but that’s about all that the actor would let slip. When asked for more information, Meloni replied, “I can’t tell you, or I’d have to kill you.”

Joining a cast that includes the aforementioned Crowe and Ormond, Meloni will also be supported by Henry Cavill, Amy Adams, Kevin Costner, Diane Lane, Michael Shannon and Antje Traue. Not too shabby eh?

While most people are probably familiar with Meloni from SVU, I’ve been a fan of his since Oz, the terrific HBO show that aired from 1997-2003. The actor did some great work on the show and I’ve been a supporter of his ever since.

While it’s hard to comment on if he’s a good fit for the role here since we don’t know too much about it, I can say that I’m fully behind his involvement in the film. He’s a great actor who doesn’t appear often enough in feature films. It’s great to see that he’ll be joining a high profile film like Man Of Steel and I’m confident that he’ll bring a lot to the table.

Admittedly, I have full faith in Snyder’s reboot. Ever since I saw his version of Dawn Of The Dead, I’ve been a fan. He’s managed to deliver with all his films and despite all the outcry about his last film Sucker Punch, I honestly didn’t hate it. There were definitely some problems with it but overall it was entertaining and it had its moments.

Man Of Steel is shaping up real well and I think that we’re going to be treated to a worthy reboot. After the bitter taste that Superman Returns left in the mouths of moviegoers, I don’t think we can handle seeing another crummy reboot for DC’s beloved superhero.