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Report: Sony To Reveal An Updated PlayStation 4 Model Alongside Neo Next month

Sony could very well be intending to reveal a PlayStation 4 Slim console next month alongside the Neo, multiple sources have claimed. A now-removed listing on auction site Gumtree spotted over the weekend appeared to show images of a redesigned PS4 console that's smaller in size than the existing model, with the owner having provided Polygon with various pictures seemingly showing the retail packaging the console will be sold in.


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Sony could very well be intending to reveal a PlayStation 4 Slim console next month alongside the Neo, multiple sources have claimed. A now-removed listing on auction site Gumtree spotted over the weekend appeared to show images of a redesigned PS4 console that’s smaller in size than the existing model, with the owner having provided Polygon with various pictures seemingly showing the retail packaging the console will be sold in.

With the leak coming in such close proximity to an event due to be held by Sony on September 7, it’s assumed that this new PS4 Slim will be revealed alongside the Neo, which is largely expected to make its debut at the same media event.

Further supporting all of the above is a report published by the Wall Street Journal yesterday that, according to VideoGamer, notes how prices of standard PS4 units are being cut in anticipation of the updated model being officially announced.

Sony has yet to comment on any of the leaks or reports, but regardless of if it’s true or false, we don’t imagine they will provide any statement either way, what with the media event just a few weeks away.

With Microsoft’s Xbox One S already available and doing well enough to sell out, this could be Sony’s perfect answer to its competitors current success. Stay tuned for more.