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CONTEST: Win Independence Day: Resurgence Blu-Ray

We Got This Covered has one Blu-ray copy of Roland Emmerich's Independence Day: Resurgence to give away! Find out how to enter within.

We always knew they would come back, and on June 24, director Roland Emmerich orchestrated a full-blown alien invasion with Independence Day: Resurgence. Hey, they don’t call him cinema’s granddaddy of disaster porn for nothing.

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A sci-fi sequel two decades in the making, Resurgence didn’t fare terribly well at the box office, but that hasn’t quelled Emmerich’s enthusiasm to push on with a third – and potentially final – entry into his lavish blockbuster series, one that would seemingly have the humans embark on an intergalactic journey to locate the home world of those locust-like critters and bring an end to the conflict once and for all.

How exactly those sequel plans shake out remains to be seen, but one thing that is certain is our latest contest. That’s right, we’re giving away a Blu-ray copy of Independence Day: Resurgence to a lucky reader. Full details on how to enter can be found below.

As always, it’s pretty easy. All we ask you to do is follow us on Twitter and Re-Tweet the following message:

The contest will close on October 18th at 11:59pm EST, at which time a winner will be notified via Twitter DM. Good luck!