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Autograf Sample Dr. Dre On New Track “Episode”

Autograf are back this week to offer up some new material with their latest release "Episode," a track which has been built around samples taken from Dr. Dre's iconic 1999 single "The Next Episode." The trio manage to deliver an original product from the familiar tune, which has been sampled by numerous dance acts in the past.

Autograf are back this week to offer up some new material with their latest release “Episode,” a track which has been built around samples taken from Dr. Dre’s iconic 1999 single “The Next Episode.” The trio manage to deliver an original product from the familiar tune, which has been sampled by numerous dance acts in the past.

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“Episode” kicks off with a drifting arpeggio sequence, before crashing rhythms join the mix alongside echoed vocal samples. The drums drop away during an extended breakdown, as vocal samples from “The Next Episode” are introduced, leading the tune into the first drop. Pizzicato string samples take over with an intoxicating melody as the percussion loops intensify, resulting in a uniquely energetic passage.

On “Episode,” Autograf deliver a track that falls somewhere between a remix and an original production, juxtaposing the sampled Dr. Dre elements against a fresh backdrop. The trio eschew dance music trends on their latest outing, offering up a production that is as original as it is enjoyable.

Best of all, Autograf have offered up “Episode” as a free download, which can be found here.