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New Powerless Promo Continues To Tease Bruce Wayne

With DC continuing to dominate on television, it's easy to see why so many people are looking forward to their next show, Powerless. Though it's a far cry from what's going on over in the Arrowverse, it promises to present something unique and refreshing, which makes it all the more intriguing. Set to be a workplace comedy and air on NBC, the promotional campaign for the new series is now beginning to kick into high gear and today brings with it yet another promo.

With DC continuing to dominate on television, it’s easy to see why so many people are looking forward to their next show, Powerless. Though it’s a far cry from what’s going on over in the Arrowverse, it promises to present something unique and refreshing, which makes it all the more intriguing. Set to be a workplace comedy and air on NBC, the promotional campaign for the new series is now beginning to kick into high gear and today brings with it yet another promo.

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What’s interesting about this preview is that it once again plays up the whole Bruce Wayne/Batman connection. You see, while Powerless won’t feature any of DC’s iconic heroes, it will include several nods, easter eggs and references for fans to catch. Of course, teasing a character like the Caped Crusader is a no-brainer on the part of the marketing team, who are using their most bankable hero to draw viewers in, but it is starting to be a bit much.


Just yesterday we got a promo that revealed Alan Tudyk would be playing Van Wayne, cousin to Bruce, and now in this new trailer, the connection is being played up once again. Granted, Vanessa Hudgens’ main character Emily Locke does work for Wayne Security, but it seems like the showrunners really want you to know that Batman is out there somewhere, even though we’ll likely never see him.

In fact, it’s doubtful that we’ll even get to see Bruce at any point. From what we’ve heard, Powerless will be very much its own thing and though fans are holding out hope for some form of crossover with the characters from the comics, it doesn’t seem like that’s the route that DC will be taking here. Even still, we’d be lying if we said we weren’t excited about what the company’s put together.

Not only does Powerless look genuinely funny, but the cast (aside from Tudyk and Hudgens, Danny Pudi also stars) is solid and the premise intriguing. If they could truly have the show stand on its own without needing to inundate us with too many nods and references to their iconic heroes, then DC should have no trouble finding themselves with another television hit on their hands.