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Death Stranding Won’t Be Like Anything You’ve “Played Before,” Says Kojima

Hideo Kojima has today provided some more hints as to what shape his upcoming game - Death Stranding - is going to take, but as is typical of the legendary game designer, his comments are likely to leave you with more questions than answers. Speaking to BBC Newsbeat (via GameSpot), he said that he couldn't say much of anything about the mysterious title as yet, but did tease that it'll be different to what's come before. Known worldwide for having created and curated the Metal Gear Solid series from its inception up until his departure from Konami, Kojima hints that he wants to take risks with Death Stranding by creating an experience entirely different from that which he made his name.

Hideo Kojima has today provided some more hints as to what shape his upcoming game – Death Stranding – is going to take, but as is typical of the legendary game designer, his comments are likely to leave you with more questions than answers.

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Speaking to BBC Newsbeat (via GameSpot), he said that he couldn’t say much of anything about the mysterious title as yet, but did tease that it’ll be different to what’s come before. Known worldwide for having created and curated the Metal Gear Solid series from its inception up until his departure from Konami, Kojima hints that he wants to take risks with Death Stranding by creating an experience entirely different from that which he made his name.

Likening his development approach to that of a band, he said:

Bands that everyone remembers take risks. They constantly change their music from previous albums, adapting and evolving through the ages. They might lose some fans along the way, but they bring in new ones. That’s the kind of approach I want to take with my new game.

Ultimately, Kojima wants Death Stranding to be a game that is easily accessible but also offer something “a little different” for players, in the hopes that it won’t be like “anything they’ve played before.” Those are certainly bold words, but considering who’s mouth they’re coming from, it could well turn out to be the case when the PlayStation 4 exclusive sees a release. Not that we really needed to be told as such; existing teaser trailers for the game already exhibit a world rooted in complete absurdity, especially the one shown during last year’s The Game Awards.

In related news, director Guillermo del Toro confirmed yesterday to IGN that his role in the project is purely that of an actor – he won’t be providing any creative input. Neither Sony or Kojima Productions have given even the slightest inkling of when fans can expect Death Stranding to be released, but with full production yet to begin, don’t expect it anytime soon.