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Lee Daniels Plans To Remake Terms Of Endearment With Oprah Winfrey

Remakes, remakes, remakes. Oh, how they come and go in Hollywood. Barely a day goes by without one promised, one announced and one discarded, and today is no different. James L. Brooks' Best Picture-winning 1983 directorial debut, Terms of Endearment, wasn't necessarily clamoring for a remake, but by golly are we going to get one.


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Remakes, remakes, remakes. Oh, how they come and go in Hollywood. Barely a day goes by without one promised, one announced and one discarded, and today is no different. James L. Brooks’ Best Picture-winning 1983 directorial debut, Terms of Endearment, wasn’t necessarily clamoring for a remake, but by golly are we going to get one.

Lee Daniels, the Oscar-nominated director behind Precious and The Butler, and the co-creator of television’s Empire, is now in talks to direct a new adaptation of Larry McMurty’s novel, with Oprah Winfrey attached to play Aurora Greenway, the role which won Shirley MacLaine an Oscar.

For those unfamiliar with the original, Terms of Endearment is a mother-daughter relationship dramedy that follows widower Aurora and her daughter Emma, originally played by Debra Winger, after she catches her recent husband cheating. The emotional part of the story, however, involves Emma’s terminal cancer condition, which is when the waterworks come into play. Expect some heavy emotions from Daniels’ version. His productions are usually quite dramatic, to say the least.

Indeed, Daniels isn’t necessarily the most subtle director in the world, but this material doesn’t necessarily require a subtle hand. When the filmmaker is great (Precious), he’s incredible. When he’s not-so-great (The Paperboy), things take a turn for the worse. It’s hard to say where Daniels’ Terms of Endearment will land. It’s worth noting, however, that the director got a pretty good performance out of Winfrey already in The Butler, so expect to see the actress on her A-game again.

Tell us, do you think Terms of Endearment needs a remake? If so, should Lee Daniels be the one to do it? Sound off in the usual place with your thoughts!