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Hugh Jackman Concedes Wolverine/Logan Recasting Is Inevitable

Chatting to New York Times, Logan star Hugh Jackman acknowledged that Wolverine will likely be recast long after his departure from the series.

After unsheathing those iconic adamantium claws in eight – soon to be nine – feature films, Hugh Jackman is all set to bring the curtain down on Wolverine’s historic saga with Logan, James Mangold’s R-rated drama that is now teetering on the verge of release.

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Pegged for March 3rd, many fans of Jackman’s enraged mutant will consider the release of Logan to be bittersweet, as Wolverine’s greatest adventure also looks set to be his last. The character will have a future beyond 2017, though. Chatting to New York Times, Hugh Jackman conceded that it’s practically inevitable Fox will decide to recast his iconic X-Men character further down the line – and really, he’s okay with that. You know, providing Daniel Day-Lewis doesn’t swoop in, chew scenery, and walk away Oscar in hand.

“The character will go on. Someone else will play it, for sure. [He insisted he was at peace with that] Unless Daniel Day-Lewis plays him and wins the Oscar — then I might have a little problem.”

Jackman stopped short of naming names, but the actor’s comments will no doubt spark speculation online as to who will take up the mantle. That said, if 20th Century Fox decides to shelve Wolverine for the foreseeable future and focus instead on Dafne Keen’s Laura/X-23, we’d love to see the young actress reteam with James Mangold.

Either way, Wolvie’s last stand is finally on course to hit theaters across the globe on March 3rd. In his review, Matt Donato hailed James Mangold’s gritty actioner as a fitting send-off to Wolverine’s saga, writing that Logan is a “searing, claws-out action drama that hits hard, chews grit, and leaves an everlasting impression.”

Curious to know more about the creative process behind Hugh Jackman’s long-anticipated swan song? Look no further than our exclusive interviews with director James Mangold and Boyd Holbrook, the latter of whom plays the cybernetic soldier known as Donald Pierce.