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Marvel Will Soon Commence In-Theater And TV Advertising For Comics

If we learned anything this week, it’s that Marvel is really stepping up its game when it comes to advertising. Not only are they utilizing GeoTracking in order to increase foot traffic in comic shops this spring, but they'll also begin running ad campaigns in theaters and on television in the very near future.

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If we learned anything this week, it’s that Marvel is really stepping up its game when it comes to advertising. Not only are they utilizing GeoTracking in order to increase foot traffic in comic shops this spring, but they’ll also begin running ad campaigns in theaters and on television in the very near future.

In fact, this weekend will mark the beginning of their in-theater marketing. Wisely enough, said ads will appear ahead of trailers preceding 2017’s biggest releases. Not surprisingly, the more important books to launch, such as Secret Empire will be touted in participating multiplexes screening Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 this May. Come to think of it, that would be a prime opportunity to plug the upcoming All-New Guardians of the Galaxy series that launches that very month, so we’ll see if Marvel plans on synergizing to the fullest.

In addition to that, television ads should be appearing around the same time. ABC was specifically said to be among the networks targeted, which seems like a natural choice given that they’re owned by Disney (Marvel’s parent company) and air Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Aside from Secret Empire, the many upcoming X-Men books will also receive a push, so one would imagine that FX seems like a natural choice to go with. You have to admit that Legion’s commercial breaks would be prime real estate for enticing new readers who may have an interest in mutants.

In recent months, DC found much success with its Rebirth trailers, so we can only hope that Marvel achieves the same results. Given that they have a license to print money with their highly successful line of films, we have a sneaking suspicion that they’ll do just fine.