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Deadpool Co-Creator Rob Liefeld Endorses Domino Casting

Now that Fox has gone all in on Deadpool 2 by releasing the first teaser for the film in theaters, the quest has begun to round out the cast. Just this week, a huge piece of the puzzle fell into place when Zazie Beetz was confirmed to play Domino, a character whom many mutant lovers would probably agree is overdue for her big screen debut.

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Now that Fox has gone all in on Deadpool 2 by releasing the first teaser for the film in theaters, the quest has begun to round out the cast. Just this week, a huge piece of the puzzle fell into place when Zazie Beetz was confirmed to play Domino, a character whom many mutant lovers would probably agree is overdue for her big screen debut.

When such choices are made, diehard fans often think about how those in the comic book industry react. As it so happens, Rob Liefeld, one of those responsible for creating the Merc with a Mouth, recently took to Instagram to express his approval of Beetz, saying: “Welcome, Zazie Beetz, to the wonderful world of #Deadpool!! Boy, did Wade’s World get a lot more complicated or what?? You are everything I could have hoped for!!”

Considering that I’m not one to abhor the use of visual aids, here’s the post in full, complete with side by side comparisons to comic book art:

Now that Domino is locked in, we can only wonder how may films she’ll be appearing in. Knowing that both Deadpool and Cable are said to show up in an eventual X-Force movie, we can only assume she’ll be joining them. And considering that carrying over three such prominent characters is no short order, we can only hope that the filmmakers tasked with these projects are able to make Deadpool 2 and X-Force markedly different beasts.