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Iron Fist Lead Finn Jones Strikes Back At The Marvel Show’s Negative Reviews

The first wave of reviews for Iron Fist found their way online earlier this week and the response was mixed, to say the least. Bizarrely, many critics zeroed in on apparent whitewashing, an odd claim considering the fact that the hero has been portrayed as being Caucasian for decades now.

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The first wave of reviews for Iron Fist found their way online earlier this week and the response was mixed, to say the least. Bizarrely, many critics zeroed in on apparent whitewashing, an odd claim considering the fact that the hero has been portrayed as being Caucasian for decades now.

Still, it’s clear that a lot of reviewers weren’t blown away by the first six instalments of Iron Fist, something which must have come as a shock to Marvel and Netflix considering the fact that Daredevil, Jessica Jones, and Luke Cage received a far more positive response.

Now, Iron Fist star Finn Jones has weighed in on the criticisms, making it clear that he believes fans will still love the show and in the end, that’s what’s really important.

“Well I think there’s multiple factors. What I will say is these shows are not made for critics, they are first and foremost made for the fans. I also think some of the reviews we saw were seeing the show through a very specific lens, and I think when the fans of the Marvel Netflix world and fans of the comic books view the show through the lens of just wanting to enjoy a superhero show, then they will really enjoy what they see. I think it’s a fantastic show which is really fun and I think it stands up there with the other Defenders’ shows without a doubt.”

The Game of Thrones alum makes some valid points here, but neither Marvel nor Netflix can be too happy with the response to the show thus far. It’s important to note though that only the first six episodes were provided for review, so with seven outings left, Iron Fist could still bring everything together to deliver a truly excellent adaptation.

We’ll find out for sure on March 17th, but until then, be sure to drop us a comment letting us know if you’re looking forward to the show or not.