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Take A Look At Some Early Concept Art For James Mangold’s Logan

Almost two weeks on from its release, and Logan is still all that anyone can talk about. It's not surprising, either, given what a fantastic film it was, not to mention how incredibly successful it's proven to be at the box office.

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Almost two weeks on from its release, and Logan is still all that anyone can talk about. It’s not surprising, either, given what a fantastic film it was and how incredibly successful it’s proven to be at the box office, showing studios that superheroes can go the restricted route and still bring in the big bucks.

Fox took a massive gamble on Logan, to be sure, but it’s one that’s paid off in spades, giving Wolverine the solo outing he deserved and acting as the perfect swan song for the iconic hero. The threequel may have left a few lingering questions behind in its wake, some of which will have fans scratching their heads until the next X-Men film arrives, but all in all, it was everything we wanted it to be and more.

Arriving today to continue on the love for Logan is an intriguing batch of concept art courtesy of the folks over at Screen Rant, who debuted it earlier. None of it looks drastically different from the character designs we saw in the final product, but there are a few changes here and there, giving us a peak at some of the earlier ideas that the filmmakers might have had while they were still mapping everything out. And for a movie as unique and different as Logan, you can bet that concept art like this was key in helping director James Mangold bring his vision to life.

With Wolvie’s final big screen outing now behind us, all eyes are on the future of the X-Men franchise to see which moves 20th Century Fox makes next. The studio’s certainly got a lot on their plate as far as the mutants are concerned, what with Deadpool 2, X-Force, the Apocalypse sequel and New Mutants all in various stages of development. There’s a lot to look forward to, then, and while most of these projects are still quite a ways away, if James Mangold’s Logan is any indication of the direction that Fox plans to head in from here on out, then the future will be very bright indeed for these characters.