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It Looks Like 2019 May Not Be The Batman Movie Extravaganza As Rumored

Over the weekend, many of us Batfans were taken aback by several rumors that surfaced online, the most pleasing of which was arguably the one that stated four Batman family movies will be arriving in cinemas in 2019 - specifically, Gotham City Sirens, Nightwing, Batgirl and, finally, The Batman - with two animated offerings also on tap. Do keep in mind that we did say to take the news with a grain of salt, because reality is about to set in.

Over the weekend, many of us Batfans were taken aback by several rumors that surfaced online, the most pleasing of which was arguably the one that stated four Batman family movies will be arriving in cinemas in 2019 – specifically, Gotham City Sirens, Nightwing, Batgirl and, finally, The Batman – with two animated offerings also on tap. Do keep in mind that we did say to take the news with a grain of salt, because reality is about to set in.

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Now, whenever a rumor of this magnitude gains traction, one of two things happen: Either the studio gives no confirmation or denial, lending credence to it being true, or, it’s swiftly shot down within a week. Unfortunately, the latter applies in this case, as some of the DC Extended Universe’s driving forces in DC Entertainment President Geoff Johns and Warner Bros. executive producer Jon Berg decided to publicly engage in the following playful banter on Twitter:

Although four trips to Gotham City in 2019 may seem a bit unlikely, let’s not rule out at least two of the aforementioned films hitting theaters sometime during that calendar year. After all, directors David Ayer, Chris McKay, Joss Whedon and Matt Reeves all have ample time to get the ball rolling when it comes to their expected projects. And seeing as how it’ll be Batman‘s 80th anniversary as well as the 30th anniversary of Tim Burton’s 1989 film, it’d be wise for WB to make sure that some of these do actually come to fruition.