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Finn Goes Undercover And Snoke’s Lair Is Purportedly Revealed In Latest Merch Pics For Star Wars: The Last Jedi

John Boyega's former Stormtrooper goes undercover in this new line of merchandise for Star Wars: The Last Jedi. There's also a new promo pic of Kylo Ren.

Force Friday II is now little more than a fortnight away, and as Disney and Lucasfilm put the final touches to Star Wars: The Last Jedi‘s merchandise line, pertinent details are beginning to trickle onto the interwebs.

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Last week, for instance, we caught a glimpse of BB-9, the First Order droid that is essentially the evil doppelgänger to BB-8, replete with black matte plating and various other bells and whistles, along with possible intel on Supreme Leader Snoke and his Mega Star Destroyer. Andy Serkis’ unsightly alien is said to be located within some form of mobile command unit that orbits a new, blood-red planet far away from the pocket of space previously occupied by Starkiller Base.

The exact whereabouts of Snoke’s HQ are yet to be revealed officially, though the eagle eyes of Reddit (via Screen Rant) have today uncovered a sizeable toy set that’s advertised as the home base of Supreme Leader Snoke. Embedded in the gallery below, the spherical design has fuelled fan theories suggesting that The Last Jedi will incorporate yet another planet-like superweapon into its story. However, we’re more inclined to believe that this particular outpost is much smaller than, say, Starkiller Base or the Death Stars of old – assuming it actually features in the movie, of course.

Elsewhere, you’ll also see an action figure based on John Boyega’s Finn, who’s kitted out in First Order attire. Word is that the former Stormtrooper journeys back to his former employers alongside Rose Tico (Kelly Marie Tran), presumably to gain some precious intel and/or artifact that will swing the pendulum back in the favor of the “very, very vulnerable” Resistance. It’s a dark mission said to involve Benicio Del Toro’s character DJ, a drifter and codebreaker who introduces Finn and Rose to the showy, ostentatious world of Canto Bight.

Star Wars: The Last Jedi is expected to open on December 15th of this year, and it seems Harrison Ford’s Han Solo will still feature quite prominently despite dying at the hands of his estranged son, Ben Solo (Kylo Ren), at the tail-end of The Force Awakens.