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Xena: Warrior Princess Reboot Is Dead, Says NBC Boss

Bad (or possibly good) news, lovers of the classic 1990s feminist fantasy series. NBC's planned remake of Xena: Warrior Princess is no longer happening, it's been revealed.

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Bad (or possibly good) news, lovers of the classic 1990s feminist fantasy series. NBC’s planned remake of Xena: Warrior Princess is no longer happening, it’s been revealed.

Speaking to The Hollywood Reporter, NBC president Jennifer Salke 100% confirmed that the reboot has been put back on the shelf, although she didn’t rule out more to come from the franchise at some point in the future.

“Nothing is happening on that right now. We looked at some material; we decided at that point that it didn’t warrant the reboot. I’d never say never on that one because it’s such a beloved title, but the current incarnation of it is dead.”

Back in 2015, it was announced that the network were reviving the series. What helped to win fans over to the idea was that OG Xena producers Rob Tapert and Sam Raimi were on board for the project. So too was original star Lucy Lawless, who was expected to produce and feature in the show in some capacity. Xena 2.0 was set to be helmed by Emmy-winning writer Javier Grillo-Marxuach, most known for his work on Lost. 

It was said at the time that NBC wanted to reboot Xena as a “sophisticated and smart superhero for a new generation.” The relationship between Xena and her best friend Gabrielle would also have been explicitly explored as a lesbian love story, rather than just a close friendship with romantic undertones as in the original series.

In many ways, it’s surprising then that the Xena: Warrior Princess reboot has failed to get off the ground. Right now, there are a glut of 1990s TV favourites making their ways back on the airwaves, like Twin Peaks, Charmed, and even DucktalesStill, if the material simply wasn’t strong enough to warrant a revival, then NBC were probably right to pull the plug.

Tell us, were you interested in seeing a Xena remake? Or do you think NBC should let sleeping warrior princesses lie? Have your say in the usual place.