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RUMOR: Batgirl Deemed “Relatively Insignificant” And Might Not Happen Anymore

Though most of the focus right now when it comes to the DC Extended Universe is on Justice League - and understandably so - there's a hushed excitement starting to build around Batgirl. Why? Well, for one, the character deserves a proper big screen adaptation, but aside from that, Wonder Woman has now proven that female superheroes can flourish at the box office.

Though most of the focus right now when it comes to the DC Extended Universe is on Justice League – and understandably so – there’s a hushed excitement starting to build around Batgirl. Why? Well, for one, the character deserves a proper big screen adaptation, but aside from that, Wonder Woman has now proven that female superheroes can flourish at the box office.

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Of course, there’s also the fact that Joss Whedon is behind the camera here, and as such, it’s very likely that this is going to be a big hit for the franchise. Granted, we don’t know too much about it just yet, but with reports saying that the director is eyeing The New 52 for inspiration and hoping to cast an unknown, it seems like Batgirl could soon become one of the DCEU’s most promising projects. That is, if it ends up happening…

You see, according to a new rumor that’s emerged on Reddit, word on the street is that Warner Bros. may scrap the pic. Before we proceed any further, we’ll note that the report sits as “Unverified” on the social media site and as always, we advise taking it with a grain of salt. That being said, this user has delivered a fair amount of DCEU news in the past, some of which has panned out. That’s not to say this particular rumor is 100% true, but it is enough to make us at least consider it.

Apparently, the reason that the studio may not move forward with Batgirl anymore is that they deem it “relatively insignificant.” Not only that, but all the controversy surrounding Whedon at the moment (see here) is supposedly hindering the project. Again, this remains unconfirmed for now, but given all the major moves being made in the DCEU recently, anything’s possible at this stage. I mean, did anyone expect them to announce a Joker origins film? Or a brand new banner that’s spun off from the core franchise? Probably not.

With the studio keeping very quiet about future plans for their burgeoning cinematic universe, it’s hard to know what to believe right now. Especially since rumors are flying around at a furious rate. If you ask us, though, we can’t see them outright cancelling Batgirl. Might they find a new director for it, and perhaps move Whedon over to another project? Maybe. But an outright cancellation would definitely be surprising. Still, you never know.

Tell us, what do you make of this latest report? Could there be some truth to it? Sound off in the usual place!