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Awesome Fan Art Imagines Doctor Who’s Matt Smith As The Joker

By now, you're probably well acquainted with the concept of fan art if you're a geek who happens to have some type of social media account. Really, the chances are slim that your feed hasn't been graced by a piece imagining what certain celebrities would look like if cast as specific heroes or villains. And while you may have your own opinion regarding this matter, you have to admit that it paints a clearer picture than the days when people likely had to draw over magazine clippings ever could have.

By now, you’re probably well acquainted with the concept of fan art if you’re a geek who happens to have some type of social media account. Really, the chances are slim that your feed hasn’t been graced by a piece imagining what certain celebrities would look like if cast as specific heroes or villains. And while you may have your own opinion regarding this matter, you have to admit that it paints a clearer picture than the days when people likely had to draw over magazine clippings ever could have.

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The latest example of this comes in the form of yet another fan favorite actor being made up in the guise of the Joker, who is arguably the most popular supervillain in all of fiction. To date, he’s been played in live action by the likes of Cesar Romero, Jack Nicholson, Heath Ledger and Jared Leto, each of whom brought something unique to the role. But with Leto being uncertain as to when he’ll suit up again (odds are that it’ll be in Suicide Squad 2, but you never know for sure) and this business of there being a solo movie not connected to the larger DC Films picture, it’s quite understandable that dream casting still occurs.

In recent memory, we’ve seen some talented folks show us what stars such as Jackie Earle Haley and Willem Dafoe would look like as the Clown Prince of Crime, but today’s example will likely grab the attention of all you “Whovians” out there. As it turns out, Dalton Barrett posted this beauty (seen in the gallery above) on Instagram, showing how the eleventh Doctor might appear if he were to be the Ace of Knaves. Though I’m personally not sure about this choice, you have to admit that a significant portion of the geek community would thrust their fists in the air if this were to come to fruition, just as they did when Benedict Cumberbatch was cast as Doctor Strange.

Tell us, would you be up for seeing Matt Smith as the Joker, or do you have someone else in mind? Furthermore, would you prefer he be in the DCEU, or in the solo movie? Sound off in the usual place below!