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Laurence Fishburne Is Working On A Secret Marvel Project

As Morpheus in The Matrix movies, Laurence Fishburne crossed the divide between the real world and virtual reality. Nowadays, he's doing something similar again - by having a foot in both the Marvel and DC superhero universes. From 2013's Man of Steel onward, Fishburne plays Perry White, the chief of the Daily Planet. Beginning with 2018's Ant-Man and the Wasp, the actor will appear in the MCU, too, as the giant-sized superhero Goliath.

As Morpheus in The Matrix movies, Laurence Fishburne crossed the divide between the real world and virtual reality. Nowadays, he’s doing something similar once again – by having a foot in both the Marvel and DC superhero universes. From 2013’s Man of Steel onward, Fishburne plays Perry White, the chief of the Daily Planet, in the DCEU. Beginning with 2018’s Ant-Man and the Wasp though, the actor will appear in the MCU, too, as the giant-sized superhero Bill Foster/Goliath.

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Just because he’s not enough of a sci-fi/geek icon already though, Fishburne has now revealed that he has another project with Marvel in the bag. According to him, it’s something he pitched to the studio himself which he hopes will “change the world.” However, it has encountered problems, with “a lot of legal red tape” preventing it from moving ahead right away.

“I’m developing something else for Marvel that I can’t talk about. It’s gonna be really cool. It’s gonna change the world, we hope (laughs). I went to Marvel and pitched them something that really couldn’t work out—there was a lot of legal red tape that just [was] something they couldn’t work out. But then they came back with the offer for Ant-Man and the Wasp and then they said, ‘Hey, what do you think of this?’ and I went ‘Oh yeah that, yes!’ so…”

The obvious suggestion for Fisburne’s secret project is a spinoff film for Goliath. It sounds possible, but we’d have thought that the character isn’t big enough to carry his own movie – though Fishburne himself obviously is. Also, from the way the actor’s talking about it, this project sounds like something that has to break down legal barriers to be able to work. So, maybe it involves working with rival Marvel movie universes like Sony’s Spider-verse and Fox’s X-Men movies?

Then again, it’s not a given that Fishburne is even talking about a film. It’s possible he has an idea for a new TV show or maybe a new One-Shot, seeing as that series of shorts is making a comeback.

Time will ultimately tell, but while Laurence Fisburne‘s mystery project is waiting to materialize, Ant-Man and the Wasp will land in cinemas on July 6th, 2018.