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Brad Pitt Producing Steve McQueen’s Twelve Years A Slave

Brad Pitt is joining a very exciting project in a producer role. The film in question is Twelve Years A Salve, Steve McQueen’s next film, which is starting to build a bit of buzz.

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Brad Pitt is joining a very exciting project in a producer role. The film in question is Twelve Years A Salve, Steve McQueen’s next film, which is starting to build a bit of buzz.

You may remember the Brit director from his excellent debut film Hunger. He’ll follow that up with Shame, which is set to hit TIFF and stars Michael Fassbender.

In Twelve Years A Slave, Chiwetel Ejiofor will be taking the lead role. The film will be an adaptation of Solomon Northup’s autobiography. Northup was a black man that was tricked into slavery and his autobiography chronicles his time as a slave and the slave trade in general.

The project has a lot of people interested and I can see why. Hunger was fantastic and Shame is set to be a hit as well. So, right away this project is already exciting due to McQueen’s involvement.

Then there is Brad Pitt producing, need I say more? And finally, we have Chiwetel Ejiofor. While not a household name, the actor definitely has some impressive credits on his resume. He was fantastic in 2002’s Dirty Pretty Things and his films Endgame and Kinky Boots are also well worth a watch.

All things considered, I think this one could be a potential Awards favorite, what do you think?