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Joaquin Phoenix Says He Knows Nothing About The Joker Movie

The Joker may be one of the greatest characters in all of fiction, but many people are still quite indifferent to the news of a standalone solo film being developed for him, with Martin Scorsese on board to produce, no less.

The Joker may be one of the greatest characters in all of fiction, but many people are still quite indifferent to the news of a standalone solo film being developed for him, with Martin Scorsese on board to produce, no less.

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Sure, it could work, but promises of a gritty crime drama set in the 1980’s that’s entirely separate from the DC Extended Universe is more than enough to make fans skeptical. Not to mention that the prospect of a Clown Prince of Crime potentially existing without a Batman is pure blasphemy.

Since word regarding the project got out last summer, we haven’t had too much to go on, save for Joaquin Phoenix being named as the one most likely to star as the titular character. Or at least, that’s what reports online say. If you ask the man himself, however, he claims to know nothing about it.

While speaking to French publication Allocine, who asked if he could confirm that he’ll be taking the role, the actor denied being involved in the project, answering “What movie about the Joker?” – before adding, “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Of course, it’s not out of the ordinary for stars to play down their involvement in films before it’s officially announced and that’s what many suspect Phoenix is doing here. After all, you have to imagine that he’s at least had talks for the part, even if he’s got no intention of signing on.

With or without the Oscar winner in the role, though, it’s still tough to even get on board with this project in the first place as it really does seem a bit unnecessary. After all, if you’re even remotely familiar with the Clown Prince of Crime, then you’d know he has no true origin story.

Granted, tales such as The Killing Joke and Lovers and Madmen have filled in some blanks, but the former stressed that the villain prefers for his background to be “multiple choice.” Because of this, fans have assumed that he’s often lying when discussing his history, or that he’s so far gone that he can’t properly remember it.

It’s also worth mentioning that many of Batman’s other villains would make for great origin movies instead because most of them can invoke a twinge of sympathy and are actually relatable in their own twisted way. Not The Joker, though. Still, that isn’t stopping the studio and with any luck, we’ll start to get some firm casting details in the not too distant future so we can begin to get an idea of just what’s in store for us.