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Colin Farrell Could Star In The Total Recall Remake

Along with rising stars Tom Hardy and Michael Fassbender, Colin Farrell is at the top of the list to take the lead role in the remake of Paul Verhoven's Total Recall, the 1990 sci fi film which starred Arnold Schwarzenegger. Len Wisemen (Live Free Or Die Hard) is set to direct with a Kurt Wimmer (Salt) script.

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Along with rising stars Tom Hardy and Michael Fassbender, Colin Farrell is at the top of the list to take the lead role in the remake of Paul Verhoven’s Total Recall, the 1990 sci fi film which starred Arnold Schwarzenegger. Len Wisemen (Live Free Or Die Hard) is set to direct with a Kurt Wimmer (Salt) script.

Farrell’s a very good actor, who after Miami Vice, seemed to fall off the star path. He’s given some solid performances in some recent smaller films, but it has been too long since we’ve seen him in a blockbuster.

The original Total Recall was a great film and I think Farrell could do a good job in the lead role. Actually, I think Farrell, Hardy or Fassbender would all do well. I don’t have a problem with either one.

Could Total Recall be just the thing Farrell needs to get back on the star path?

Who would you rather see in the lead? Farrell, Hardy or Fassbender?