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Avengers: Infinity War Features An Emotional Doctor Who Connection

Millions of Marvel fans across the globe have been left blubbing into their popcorn boxes during the credits of Avengers: Infinity War, as the movie's final scenes are just so damn devastating. And that's because, once Thanos gets all the Infinity Stones and snaps his fingers, he succeeds in wiping out half of all life in the universe - including many of the galaxy's mightiest heroes.

Millions of Marvel fans across the globe have been left blubbing into their popcorn boxes during the credits of Avengers: Infinity War, as the movie’s final scenes are just so damn devastating. And that’s because, once Thanos gets all the Infinity Stones and snaps his fingers, he succeeds in wiping out half of all life in the universe – including many of the galaxy’s mightiest heroes.

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While it’s not a walk in the park witnessing well-loved characters like Black Panther and Star-Lord turn to dust, the death that everyone points to as being the most emotional to witness is the loss of Spider-Man. Perhaps it’s the character’s youth or his optimistic personality, but seeing him break down and die in his mentor Iron Man’s arms is enough to reduce even the Hulk to tears.

His final words provide the last push that will bring on the waterworks, too. “I don’t want to go,” he says, as he tearfully pleads with Tony Stark. For anyone familiar with Doctor Who, this line will carry even more weight than normal, as it’s the last thing David Tennant’s Tenth Doctor says before he regenerates in 2010’s “The End of Time.” It’s already known as one of the most heartbreaking moments in Who history, and now those words have featured in another tragic scene in a completely different franchise.

What’s interesting about this connection is that co-director Joe Russo has recently revealed that Tom Holland improvised his death scene in Infinity War. We can assume that Peter’s final words were all the actor’s, then, so maybe he deliberately quoted David Tennant’s Doctor? Then again, it very well could have just been a coincidence.

Either way, this line certainly gives Peter Parker’s death scene in Avengers: Infinity War another layer of sadness. Not that it needed it, mind you.