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Is This Our First Peek At The Official Logo For Avengers 4?

An Avengers 4 crew jacket has emerged online, and it may well give us an early glimpse of the sequel's Thanos-inspired Logo ahead of its arrival in 2019.

Forget all the fuss over the sequel’s title; what about the official Avengers 4 logo?

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Like all things associated with Marvel’s 2019 follow-up, it’s a logo that’s been draped in secrecy…until now. Over on Instagram, The Geek Power has unearthed a crew jacket which appears to offer our first peek at the purple emblem for Avengers 4, which is surely a nod to the Mad Titan (or maybe even Hawkeye?), who emerged victorious from Infinity War and its own superhero smackdown.

It’s merely the beginning of a two-movie arc, of course, given Joe and Anthony Russo are now in the process of dotting the i’s and crossing the t’s of Avengers 4 ahead of its arrival next summer. Plot details are practically non-existent at this point, though online rumormongers claim Marvel Studios is rustling up a time-traveling saga as it prepares to make the transition over to Phase 4.

However that may be, it would seem the film’s official logo has been dipped in the same pool of purple goo as Thanos…

Much like any piece of unverified Marvel content that escapes online, we advise taking this with a pinch of salt, as there’s a very good chance that this logo is nothing more than a placeholder for crew members, before the studio’s SFX team render the final design just prior to the inevitable trailer reveal – or the first Avengers 4 poster, depending on how things fall into place.

The takeaway? It’s far too soon for Marvel to reveal anything official, as the film giant still has Ant-Man and the Wasp waiting in the wings ahead of its own release this summer. And that’s before we even consider Captain Marvel