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There Was A Game Of Thrones Cameo In Solo: A Star Wars Story That Everyone Missed

Turns out we missed an impressive cameo that was hiding in plain sight all along during Ron Howard's Solo: A Star Wars Story.

If there was one thing that detracted from our enjoyment of Solo: A Star Wars Story, it was that we were looking into it too much. Each and every character who wore a helmet, mask, or heavy make-up invited speculation as to their true identity. But whilst we were busy doing that, we missed an impressive cameo that was hiding in plain sight all along.

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Ever since Daniel Craig was revealed as the Stormtrooper who succumbs (a little too readily) to a good old Jedi mind trick in The Force Awakens, all and sundry seem to have featured in a Star Wars movie. From Simon Pegg to Joseph Gordon-Levitt and even Princes Harry and William.

That can now be extended to the animal kingdom, too, as a Game of Thrones original appeared on Han Solo’s homeworld in the form of a Corellian hound. Saxon, the hound in question, appears in George R.R. Martin’s fantasy series as Arya Stark’s Direwolf, Nymeria. In Solo: A Star Wars Story, he does his part to see off Alden Ehrenreich’s Han from his home planet when traipsing through Imperial Customs. When asked how he felt about going unnoticed for so long, Saxon was said to be “howling mad.” Ahem.

This is, of course, not the first crossover between Star Wars and Game of Thrones. Gwendoline Christie broke through in the hit HBO series as Brienne of Tarth before getting trashed as Captain Phasma in The Force Awakens, whilst Solo: A Star Wars Story also featured the Mother of Dragons herself, Emilia Clarke as Qi’ra. The connections continue behind the scenes, too, as Game of Thrones creators David Benioff and D.B. Weiss will begin work on a new trilogy once season 8 of the fantasy drama has been completed.

Tell us, did you spot this sneaky cameo in Ron Howard’s Anthology pic? Or are you just as surprised to learn about it as we are? Have your say in the comments section down below.