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Avengers: Infinity War Gets The How It Should’ve Ended Treatment, Again

To date, I've kept my absolute disdain for Avengers: Infinity War separate from my news reporting as much as possible, but now seems like an opportune time to let the cat out of the bag. I'm sure that I'm in the minority on this one because, believe it or not, I've actually had people unfriend me on Facebook over my opinion regarding a movie. Seriously.

To date, I’ve kept my absolute disdain for Avengers: Infinity War separate from my news reporting as much as possible, but now seems like an opportune time to let the cat out of the bag. I’m sure that I’m in the minority on this one because, believe it or not, I’ve actually had people unfriend me on Facebook over my opinion regarding a movie. Seriously.

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Now, I’m not here to write a manifesto detailing all of my issues with the film because that’d require my having to watch it for a second time (sorry, that’s not going to happen), but the folks at How It Should Have Ended have done a fine job of illustrating any points I’d make.

In short, there were a myriad of ways that Thanos could’ve been defeated, several of which were laid out in the first video that highlighted a number of gaping plot holes. Funny enough, Doctor Strange could’ve gotten the job done by himself, but now we see that someone who’s not even an Avenger had a possible shot to take.

That’s right, Infinity War has actually warranted a second thrashing by HISHE, this time showing Heimdall could’ve easily hurled the Mad Titan to a galaxy far away. But had this happened, it would’ve been the Marvel equivalent of Neo taking the blue pill in The Matrix. In other words, there’s no way Disney would’ve agreed to a 10-minute running time.

Before you flame me in the comments section, please keep in mind that just because I didn’t like one movie doesn’t necessarily mean I’ll feel the same about its follow-up. Like many reading this, I plan to attend a showing of Avengers 4 when it opens in theaters next spring. As a fan of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes and the Russo Brothers, it’s fully possible to remain level-headed enough to give them a mulligan.

If you disagree with me, however, then feel free to pick up a copy of Avengers: Infinity War on Blu-ray or DVD on August 14th. And to find out how you could win a copy of your own via our contest, be sure to click here.