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How Infinity War Fixed A Plot Hole From The First Avengers Movie

Infinity War scribe has confirmed exactly how the MCU sequel addressed a small inconsistency from the first Avengers movie.

“How much dark energy did the All-Father have to muster to conjure you here?”

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That’s Loki there, demanding to know how the God of Thunder was able to teleport to Earth in a world where the Bifrost no longer exists. Remember, the original Thor movie ended with the destruction of the Bifrost Bridge, essentially nixing Thor’s means of transportation through the cosmos. And yet, everyone’s favorite Norse god still managed to drop onto S.H.I.E.L.D.’s Quinjet during The Avengers.

How, you ask? We have one word for you: Heimdall. As was revealed during the opening moments of Avengers: Infinity War, Idris Elba’s all-seeing, all-powerful guardian is able to channel dark energy which, in this case, is used to catapult Hulk towards planet Earth. Though one can’t help but wonder why he didn’t just beam Thanos into the dark recesses of space, too.

Nevertheless, as part of the Infinity War home video commentary (h/t ComicBook.com), Christopher Markus admitted that, yes, Joss Whedon used dark energy as a means of getting Thor back on Earth, but it was Avengers: Infinity War that subtly joined up the dots.

I will say that we just did a callback to what had once seemed like a bit of a pace job. In Avengers 1 where Thor comes back saying that ‘Odin used all his dark magic to get me home,’ and people say, ‘That was just a cheat because you broke the Bifrost.’ You just saw where the dark magic came from: straight out of Heimdall.

Frankly, after 10 years and 20 movies, it’s a wonder there aren’t more plot holes and inconsistencies scattered throughout the Marvel Cinematic Universe. That’s not to say they aren’t out there, of course; merely that the Powers That Be have done a pretty stand-up job of keeping their ducks in a row.

Currently available to own on digital, Avengers: Infinity War is due to expand onto Blu-ray and DVD on August 14th.