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Holmes & Watson Apparently Has Two Different Opening Scenes

Apparently Sony's Holmes & Watson has two different opening scenes, depending on which country you're watching the film in.

One of the biggest bombs of 2018 was without a doubt Holmes & WatsonThough fans of Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly were excited for the comic duo to team up once more for their third collaboration – following their great work in Talladega Nights and Step Brothers – the Sherlock Holmes spoof was trashed by vicious reviews from critics and found itself with lots of hate on social media from audiences.

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Damning critical reviews and horrible reactions from viewers aside, though, what’s interesting about Holmes & Watson is that apparently, it has two different opening scenes. The one you likely saw features Holmes being bullied as a child and comforted by Watson, which kicks off their friendship. However, some users over on Reddit are reporting something totally different.

According to one individual, here’s what they saw in the opening minutes when they went to check out the film in theaters:

“Holmes (is) in a garden tending to some papaya-looking plant, and smacking it and calling it a dirty b*tch, and narrating that Watson had come back from a war in Afghanistan. Then, Watson tries to jump off of 221B Baker Street into the garden. Holmes keeps trying to tell him to jump into the other garden, but Watson slips off and smashes the plant, and writhes around in it, and Holmes tells him to stop.”

Over the past few days, a number of other Reddit users from various different countries have offered up the same description for what they witnessed during the opening scene. What’s interesting though is that most of these people are from Australia and New Zealand, which means it’s likely that depending on which region you’re in, the opening scene will be either the first or the second one. And who knows, there could even be a third.

Why Sony decided to use two different scenes is unclear, and neither one sounds like it’d drastically alter your opinion of the film, but it does have us wondering what else might differ between the two cuts of Holmes & WatsonWith most viewers unlikely to head back to theaters to catch another screening, though, we probably won’t find out until the pic hits Blu-ray.