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Fans Spot Plastic Water Bottle In Game Of Thrones Finale, And They’re Flipping Out

Just as the incident with the coffee cup began to die down, fans have now spotted another big mistake in Game of Thrones.

Game of Thrones Dany

In the aftermath of Game of Thrones 8×04, “The Last of the Starks,” a curious story emerged on the web, with fans realizing that somehow, shockingly, someone had left their coffee cup in one of the shots and no one caught it, meaning it made it into the episode.

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Yes, as you’ve surely heard by now, that one little cup of coffee caused quite a stir online, with people unable to believe how such a carless mistake could be made on a show like Game of Thrones. But now, just as all the commotion surrounding that mistake has begun to die down, the production team has gone ahead and done it again. We kid you not.

As you may’ve heard already, instead of a coffee cup, someone left a plastic water battle on set and it showed up during one of the scenes in last night’s finale. Understandably, fans are in shock that this goof happened yet again and now, they’ve taken to Twitter to share their thoughts on it.





As you can see above, the moment in question occurred when the the lords of the Great Houses of Westeros convened in King’s Landing. Though it may not be terribly obvious at first, if you looked hard enough, you’ll have noticed a plastic water bottle sitting behind the foot of Samwell Tarly (John Bradley).

Frankly, it’s incredible that no one caught this and even more incredible that this is the second time it’s happened this year on Game of Thrones. You would think that after the first instance HBO might be more careful, but apparently not. Yes, the finale would’ve already been shot by the time “The Last of the Starks” aired, but they could’ve gone through all the remaining episodes to ensure nothing else was misplaced and if they caught this, they easily could’ve edited it out.

But alas, that wasn’t the case and now, among many other things, the Game of Thrones finale will always be remembered for another ridiculous goof.