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Warner Bros. Eyeing Star Wars’ Daisy Ridley For Batgirl

With Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker set to conclude Disney's sequel trilogy and wrap up the stories of Rey, Finn and Kylo Ren (at least for now...), it's going to leave Daisy Ridley with some time on her hands. Since she debuted as Rey back in 2015's The Force Awakens she's impressed critics and audiences alike with her tough-as-nails demeanor and fighting skills. Now it's looking like those very same qualities could be just what Warner Bros are after for their Batgirl.

Rey Star Wars

With Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker set to conclude Disney’s Sequel Trilogy and wrap up the stories of Rey, Finn and Kylo Ren (at least for now), Daisy Ridley’s going to be available for a major role in a feature film for the first time since she made it big. When she debuted as Rey back in 2015’s The Force Awakens, she impressed critics and audiences alike with her tough-as-nails demeanor and fighting skills. Now, it’s looking like those very same qualities could be just what Warner Bros. are after for their Batgirl.

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We’re hearing from our sources that the studio are very close to announcing their casting for the role, with Daisy Ridley being one of their top choices (Katherine Langford is said to be another one). And though nothing’s been confirmed just yet, this certainly sounds like a smart pick to me, as I think Ridley’s proven many times over that she’s got what it takes to step into Barbara Gordon’s Batsuit.

For those who’ve been keeping up, you’ll know that Batgirl has had a fairly painful path to the screen. Originally announced as a vehicle for The Avengers and Buffy the Vampire Slayer’s Joss Whedon, that version of the project was cancelled amid the disaster that was Justice League and allegations of sexual misconduct (the official word was that he “simply couldn’t find the right story” – yeah, right.).

But rather than put the brakes on the entire concept, Warner Bros. began retooling things behind the scenes and tasked Birds of Prey screenwriter Christina Hodson to have a crack at it. Here’s what she had to say about the project not too long ago:

“I’m loving writing it, I can say that, it’s a total joy to work on. I love the character. And everyday I’m finding new things to love and get excited about.”

With The Batman getting ready to move into full production, it seems that the studio’s about to rework the DCEU’s Gotham. Here’s hoping that their plans pan out and we get an announcement soon telling us precisely when we can expect to see Batgirl make her first big screen appearance since Alicia Silverstone stunk up the place in 1997’s Batman and Robin.