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Kevin Smith Says He’s Heard That Daredevil Will Be In Spider-Man 3

Peter Parker's life fell apart at the end of Spider-Man: Far From Home, as Mysterio had not only publicly outed his secret identity but also framed him for murder and the drone attack on London. In Spider-Man 3, the high schooler is going to need a seriously good lawyer to get him out of this. Thankfully, there are a couple of superhero lawyers rolling around the Marvel universe who could lend a hand.

Spider-Man: Far From Home

Peter Parker’s life fell apart at the end of Spider-Man: Far From Home, as Mysterio had not only publicly outed his secret identity but also framed him for murder and the drone attack on London. In Spider-Man 3the high schooler is going to need a seriously good lawyer to get him out of this. Thankfully, there are a couple of superhero lawyers rolling around the Marvel universe who could lend a hand.

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And, as we’re still yet to meet Jennifer Walters AKA She-Hulk, most fans are hoping that Matt Murdock/Daredevil is the one who’ll come to Peter’s aid in the Sony/Marvel threequel movie. It turns out director and all-round comic book expert Kevin Smith is one of those.

On the latest episode of his Fatman Beyond show, Smith talked excitedly about a rumor he’d heard online that Marvel plans on bringing Cox back into the fold for Spider-Man 3. 

“I heard another piece of good f**kn’ news. Did you hear that Spider-Man, the new Spider-Man movie, gonna have a lawyer in it?” Smith asked co-host Marc Benardin.

When the latter enquired which one, the Clerks filmmaker clarified:

“Charlie Cox, they’re bringing in as Matt Murdock. That’s been the rumor online and they say that’s like the one that like Marvel’s like, ‘god damn it how did that get out?’”

Of course, Smith may well have heard about this news from yours truly, We Got This Covered. After all, we told you last year that the idea is for Peter to turn to Nelson & Murdock (& Page) for his legal counsel when we next see him. Our sources at the time noted that there’s still a chance the studio could go with She-Hulk, given her upcoming Disney Plus show, but that Daredevil was the top choice.

If he did show up in the film, this would likely be part of a bigger scheme to relaunch the Man Without Fear following the cancellation of his Netflix series. From what we’ve been told, Marvel is keen to keep Charlie Cox on board, given his popularity, along with the rest of the DD cast. A reboot of the show could even appear on D+ or FX down the line.

As for Spider-Man 3, though, it intends to start shooting this summer, ahead of its release in theaters next July.