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Disney Plus Might Revive Daredevil And Other Cancelled Netflix Shows

Instead of a complete reboot, Marvel could be set to revive several of the canceled Netflix shows to boost content for their Disney Plus arm of the MCU.


Now that the big screen has well and truly been conquered, the Marvel Cinematic Universe has turned towards the small screen, with Kevin Feige and company set to expand their interconnected storytelling to a larger level than ever before. Marvel’s Chief Creative Officer has already admitted that a Disney Plus subscription is now virtually a necessity to keep up to date with the latest happenings in the MCU, and with the Mouse House’s recent acquisition of Fox, the studio also has access to more characters than they ever have.

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There’s already a huge amount of content in various stages of development for the streaming service, but many fans have been wondering what the future holds for the title heroes of the shows that were canceled by Netflix (Daredevil, Jessica Jones, etc.) in the wake of the Disney/Fox deal. After all, the rest of Marvel TV’s output is no longer considered official canon in the MCU, and there’s already been plenty of speculation about the eventual rebooting of the Defenders roster.

A recent article on Disney Plus contained a surprising piece of information though, one that hinted that the former Netflix superheroes may not be getting an entirely new coat of paint after all. Here’s the excerpt in question:

“Kevin Mayer, the Disney executive in charge of Disney Plus, has said Disney Plus could possibly revive the canceled shows. But the terms of their original deal could restrict Disney Plus from any revivals until late 2020, per a report.”

We’ve already heard rumors that Marvel are keen on rebooting some of the canceled Netflix shows once the rights revert to them, but there’ve also been reports claiming that Charlie Cox, Krysten Ritter and Jon Bernthal are set to reprise their roles at some point in the future. In any case, there’s no doubt that Kevin Feige has a plan for every major character under his purview and it’ll likely just be a matter of time before we find out what guise Daredevil and the rest of the Defenders will be returning under.