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Christian Bale Says The Dark Knight Rises Is The Last Batman Film

In a recent interview, Dark Knight Rises star Christian Bale confirmed what many have been assuming for quite sometime: The Dark Knight Rises will be the final film in Christopher Nolan's uber-successful Batman series, rounding out the films as the third in a trilogy. Bale discussed the final days of Dark Knight Rises filming, in which he got to remove his Batman hood for the last time, before he said the words we knew were coming.

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In a recent interview, The Dark Knight Rises star Christian Bale confirmed what many have been assuming for quite sometime: The Dark Knight Rises will be the final film in Christopher Nolan‘s uber-successful Batman series, rounding out the films as the third in a trilogy.

Bale discussed the final days of The Dark Knight Rises filming, in which he got to remove his Batman hood for the last time, before he said the words that we knew were coming.

“I wrapped a few days ago so that will be the last time I’m taking that cowl [Batman hood] off,” he said. “I believe that the whole production wrapped yesterday, so it’s all done. Everything’s finished. It’s me and Chris [Nolan] – that will be the end of that Batman era.”

The rest of the interview has a lot of opinions from Bale – who normally tends to keep quiet – concerning his Batman co-stars and his upcoming film, The Flowers of War. It’s definitely worth checking out and we suggest giving it  a read.

All in all, while I wish that the Christopher Nolan Batman series could go on forever, this is probably for the best. I wouldn’t want the series to get too overexposed. Or, should I say, more overexposed than it already is.

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